Demand Response & Peak Shaving

Energy Curtailment Strategies to Mitigate Capacity Charges

Should I Participate in Demand Response Programs or Peak Shaving?

Aspen Energy continues to see an increase in the number of customers willing to curtail their energy load to receive benefits from Demand Response Programs or Peak Shaving. 

Our Energy Consultants will prepare a detailed analysis of your energy load to determine which curtailment strategy provides the best fit for your organization.  Though not every company can participate in these programs, the ability to curtail is much easier than a business believes.  Aspen Energy will provide you with the knowledge you need to make the best energy choices to minimize your risk and maximize your savings. 

Demand Response

Demand Response programs offer monetary payments to businesses that volunteer and participate by temporarily reducing their electricity consumption when demand could outpace available supply. There are no out-of-pocket expenses or any costs on your end and no penalties for non-performance. Businesses participating in Demand Response programs receive significant payouts and find these programs are an easy way to earn money for their facility.

Benefits of Demand Response

  • Unique Revenue Generating Opportunity
  • Free Metering Platform
  • No Out-of-Pocket Costs or Penalties
  • Minimal Impact of Day-to-Day Operations
  • Environmentally Sustainable

Demand Response

The 7 Independent System Operators (ISOs) such as CAISO, ERCOT, MISO, NEISO, NYISO, PJM & Southwest Power are responsible to ensure the reliability of the electricity grid. These responsibilities can be extremely difficult to manage during seasonal increases in demand. Balancing this supply and demand on the electricity grid is also expensive, and some ISOs utilize Demand Response programs to address these problems. Demand Response provides an opportunity for consumers to play a significant role in the operation of the electric grid by reducing or shifting their electricity usage during peak periods and receive financial incentives. These programs are designed to be both fiscally and environmentally responsible ways to respond to occasional and temporary peak demand periods on the electric grid.


Peak Shaving

Peak Shaving is a voluntary program which allows a company to lower their Peak Load Contribution (PLC) Value by curtailing on days the grid is most stressed, which will ultimately decrease their capacity (or demand) charges the following year.  Any curtailment during a peak hour can result in significant capacity charge savings the following year.

Additional Aspen Energy Solutions

Aspen Energy will create an individualized procurement plan that will maximize your company’s ability to contain energy costs. By using high level energy management programs, blended energy strategies, load management and tracking software, Aspen Energy helps you maximize energy savings.